Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Second day of school!

We planned to visit the first day..but were told the first day was cleaning day! Imagine your first day back is cleaning the school and the grounds! So the second day was actually the first day of classes. This was a time to for Jutta to meet with each of the teachers and see what the government has provided and NOT provided and what is critical to get for the school to run properly. Well, as we expected, they received only 2 jars of glue for the whole school and no books. But, there were 70 children registered and happy to be there! And more than happy to see Jutta! When you arrive you get so many bodies thrown on you and more kisses than you count. It make me happy to see children I remember from last year...I can imagine how Jutta must feel knowing these families and there situations for more than 5 years now. We had a great visit on the first day of classes.....Jutta has her laundry list of all the basic needs and there is no doubt in mind mind.....she will have them provided in no time.

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